Week 4

First wireframe

I decided I needed to map out the behavior changes I want my users to have. The specific habits I want to change.

Then I wrote out the user flow I need to happen for these behaviours to change - the chain of reactions and then the steps for these to happen

steps for these to happen:

User flow needed:

Steps for this to happen:

User flow needed:

steps for this to happen:

User flow needed:

steps for this to happen

User flow needed:

steps for this to happen

User flow needed:

steps for this to happen:

Second Wire frame:

Feedback from week 4 second showing:

  • love the notifications
  • would be cool to see how it would suit a number of different peoples 2nd incomes
  • well thought out
  • could there be other ways of achieving this that isn't an app?
  • love the idea of justifying your spending and seeing how it will affect you
  • love that you can create goals and that the app can hold you to those goals, valuable and more effective than self-control
  • some people might not be comfortable talking about money on their phone
  • instead of advising against buying something, show them how they can buy things
  • I should workshop peoples levels of comfortability, what is everyone comfortable with
  • helping people evolve their lifestyle
  • find out what looks scary to people in terms of graphs, data visualization like on the fence.
  • would be cool to have persona groups and friends who identify with the same one can chat about it
  • would use it if it works -how can you ensure it works


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