Financial confessions My friend kept on complaining about crippling credit card debt, wandering around the house complaining that he is too poor to even buy groceries for himself. Five minutes later, he leaves the house and comes back with pet turtle and all the necessary items to make sure the turtle will thrive. And a week later, he bought another turtle because he noticed that his pet turtle looks ‘lonely’ and not being ‘playful’. He spent more than $150 so his pet turtle won’t be lonely anymore and to have a playmate. Oh wait, not just that, he also bought some fish so his turtles will have ‘friends’. He gets the card, immediately goes online and buys a ‘totally legit’ diamond necklace for his girlfriend, a guitar, and a spiderman, and all other super heroes costume because he wanted to be a “Super Heroes Costume Collector”. To add some spice, they broke up after a month. Earl used to buy a few lottery scratch-off tickets here and there but since he got laid off it ...